What do you do when things don't go as expected?
A seer uses everything as an opportunity to enhance awareness.
~Carlos Castaneda
Many creation myths say the world was born out of chaos, a cosmic egg that cracked open to create earth and sky, or a world of darkness and "mist people" who gradually took form, or a swirling void whose waters were visited by divine sound, or word creating light, and day and night.
The current chaos in the world—including disasters, breakdown of infrastructure, conflict, war, modern slavery, genocide, and uncertainty around “artificial intelligence,” and its role, and ours, in the coming times—all of these bring a question, and an opportunity.
What new ways of being can arise from these stormy depths?
The answer begins with each of us individually. We are each called to identify and refine--to alchemize, our experience of disaster, tragedy, divorce, death of loved ones, or simply the unexpected, in our own lives.
In this class, we will each look at: How have I responded to such events in the past? What golden lessons, gifts, or opportunities to grow did they bring to my life?
Together we will practice what the seers of the lineage of Carlos Castaneda call the art of stalking, or tracking energy—a set of principles that help one to respond constructively to any situation.
We will each discover: How can we alchemize our crises into new strategies and contributions going forward?
Access timeless wisdom
to play your part in weaving a more functional infrastructure, a more joyful loving order in the world—and in your world.
From Merriam-Webster's Dictionary : "Infra- means 'below;' so the infrastructure is the 'underlying structure' of a country and its economy, the fixed installations that it needs in order to function. These include roads, bridges, dams, the water and sewer systems, railways and subways, airports, and harbors."
Is the infrastructure of your own life a solid one, able to withstand the unexpected?
As an aid to answering this question, we will study two catastrophic fires in Los Angeles: the most recent one, and one from decades ago—to see, on a collective level, what was learned, what wasn’t, and what was at some point forgotten in the intervening time—and to identify what could be learned now
They believed, since they were experts at dealing with the world of dreaming, and nonphysical beings known as allies, that they were invincible against other human beings...until the Spanish Conquistadors nearly annihilated them. The survivors recognized they needed to also face the world of daily life, and their fellow human beings, with equal attention, respect, and awe. And so they formulated the art of stalking themselves, of tracking energy in their daily lives. They described it as a means to bring the best out of any encounter. In this class, you will be guided to do this as you:
- Attune via movement and breath, to the wisdom of the Spider, nature's creative weaver—and to the energies of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water and their balanced interaction.
- Align with your energy body, and higher wisdom, via life review, theater play, sound immersion, song, drumming, and dance.
- Share support with class peers.
- Attune to planetary cycles. We begin after a lunar eclipse, pass through Equinox, & then a solar eclipse—a powerful time to activate these Seven Principles:

Choose your battles, and your battleground.

Get rid of what is unnecessary.

Be willing to put your life on the line to back up your decisions. Do this in a sober way.

Relax and abandon yourself.
If you feel overwhelmed, or in over your head, put your attention on something else for a moment.

Don't waste an instant. When decisions are clear, act on them.

Observe from behind the scenes; don't make yourself the central focus.

Ten Weeks
March 22 to May 24
We begin at Equinox Time, and meet weekly on
9:30 to 11:30am Pacific Time
via Zoom
Class recordings will be accessible within 48 hours of the live sessions.
You’ll get a downloadable handout with each session to help you navigate practice between sessions.
We will have accountability groups to help you stay on track.
For those who want to go deeper, two 1:1 sessions will help you to further integrate the tracking principles, and create a more functional infrastructure in your own life.
Your Facilitator. Nyei (ny-EE). I bring my experience as a student of Carlos Castaneda and his colleagues, where I received the seeds of my work as a story editor, flutist, sound dreamer, and facilitator of awareness.
Witnessing the recent Los Angeles fires catalyzed this new course in the Art of Tracking Energy.
Join me and Special Guest Leaders to get strategic in your preparation for, and response to the unexpected in your life and your communities.
"The only alternative left for mankind is discipline...Seers understand discipline as the capacity to face with serenity odds that are not included in our expectations. For them, discipline is an art: the art of facing infinity without flinching, not because they are strong and tough but because they are filled with awe."
~don Juan Matus in Active Side of Infinity by Carlos Castaneda